Wednesday 23rd November is the next big date to look out for in the legislative calendar for the window and door industry. That is when the Welsh Building Regulations are being updated to bring them largely in line with the new Regs which already apply in England.
For Approved Document L, which is the main document that concerns AluK and our customers, the changes in Wales differ slightly from those in England in that the limiting U-Value for windows and doors will be 1.4W/m2K in Wales, rather than 1.6W/m2K. At the moment, this only applies to dwellings in Wales and not commercial buildings, but it does cover new build homes and extensions, as well as domestic replacements.
AluK customers can relax knowing that our newly enhanced HI products will enable them to comply with the new Welsh Regs, but nonetheless we recommend that fabricators start checking the locations of installations for orders placed from September onwards so that they can differentiate between England and Wales if they need to adjust the thermal performance.
A campaign of lobbying by the GGF and the CAB has already triggered some changes to the standard window and door sizes included in Part L for U-Value assessments in England, but as yet there is no news whether these changes will also apply in Wales.
We will of course keep customers updated on this and also on relevant updates to Part L in the Scottish Building Regulations, which is currently out for consultation.
The full details of the new ADL in the Welsh Building Regs ADL are here