On 15 December, the government confirmed interim changes to Part L of the Building Regs for England, ready for the implementation of the Future Homes and Buildings Standard in 2025. The statement is now live on the government website.
As AluK had been communicating during the course of 2021, the new Part L means a reduction in U-Values for windows and doors with more than 60% glazing in new dwellings to 1.2, with limiting U-Values of 1.4 for all new windows (WER Band B minimum) and >60% glazed doors (DER Band C minimum) installed in existing dwellings
The aim is to deliver a 30% reduction in carbon emissions from new homes and a 27% reduction from other types of building.
There are also changes to Approved Document F which apply to trickle vents, and an entirely new Approved Document O which applies to glazing and overheating.
The new Regs come into force on 15 June 2022, but there’s a six-month transition period for planning applications submitted before that date, providing the build work actually starts before 15 June 2023.
AluK’s dedicated Future Homes Standard web pages will be kept updated with all the detail on the changes and information that customers need.