Following last night’s announcement from the Prime Minister, AluK has taken the difficult decision to temporarily halt production as from Friday 27th March latest. We are currently working through customers’ orders and managing a safe shut down. We anticipate that all remaining essential orders will be shipped by this Friday (27 March) at the latest.
Like the vast majority of the industry, we are taking the view that a temporary shut-down is the most responsible step to take – both socially and economically. The sooner businesses close their factories and allow their teams to stay safely at home, then the sooner we can slow the spread of the virus and reduce the pressure on the NHS.
By acting together, it means we can all protect our staff, our families and our customers and hopefully minimise the length of the shut-down for all of us.
I would like to reassure you however, that it is only our production and warehousing which is closed. All of our staff who can work from home safely are now doing so and all of our support departments are currently continuing to work as normal. We will of course continue to closely monitor Government advice and will return to full production as soon as is safe to do so.
I would like to thank all of our customers and partners for their understanding and support in what are extremely difficult times for us all. We will be by your side throughout this crisis and will be keeping you updated as soon as we have any further news.
Yours Sincerely,
Russell Yates
Managing Director AluK GB Ltd