AluK’s charity team were on ‘cracking’ form last Fry-day, donating a couple of egg-stremely chocolatey hampers to our local Mencap group for their Easter charity raffle.
Mencap is active in and around our home town of Chepstow doing egg-cellent work supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers. Projects such as community gardening, the light lunch bunch and a volunteer led shop provide lots of opportunities for everyone to get involved, but they rely on fundraising for most of their efforts.
AluK was only too ‘hoppy’ to donate, providing two egg-stravagant hampers for the raffle - packed with treats direct from the Easter bunny.
We plan to continue our involvement with Mencap in the future as the charity starts work on restoring and refurbishing the old Chepstow Board School building to provide more space for its activities. We’ll be lending our volunteering muscle and helping with the supply of materials - it’s a very worthwhile and egg-citing project!
For more information about Mencap, visit their website here: