19 Nov 2021

New Face in AluK's Product Marketing Team

New Face in AluK's Product Marketing Team

AluK is expanding its product marketing team with the appointment of Luigi Bertino as a product marketing executive. He has joined product managers Lisa Stephens and Peter Willard, enhancing and developing AluK’s product range, so that it stays ahead of a rapidly changing market and continues to deliver what customers need.

Luigi has experience in operations and marketing in both software and retail companies and an impressive list of qualifications which includes an MBA from the University of the West of England and a Masters in marketing and Business communication from La Sapienza university in Rome.

At AluK, he will be linking with the R&D, technical and marketing teams and talking and listening to customers about how AluK can continue to improve its product offering. 

Luigi is delighted to be on board: “I’m already working hard analysing and reviewing the AluK products and I’m really looking forward to getting out to visit customers and hearing what they think.

“It’s great to be joining such a team where there is such an obvious commitment to supporting customers and where the priority is continual improvement. We want AluK to be the first-choice aluminium systems house in the UK and we’re doing everything we can to achieve that.”

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