Anna Plesniar, AluK’s Quality Coordinator, was named as the industry’s Unsung Hero at the G-18 Awards.
Described by the company’s Head of Production Michael Burke, who nominated her for the award, as a ‘shining light’ within the business, she has worked tirelessly behind the scenes over the past three years to help AluK push the boundaries on new paint and powder coating technologies at its Chepstow factory.
A highly qualified polymer chemist, Anna is the person responsible for the quality of output from AluK’s inline vertical powder coating paint line and its brand new fully integrated FOX flash anodisation pre-treatment plant.
This is cutting edge technology for the whole industry and Anna was recognised at the G-Awards for quietly and modestly taking ownership of the entire finishing process. She has carried out painstaking research, much of it in her own time, and has become a national authority on the chemical processes involved. Widely respected amongst her peers, Anna is now writing papers on the subject and sitting on technical committees within Qualicoat.
Michael Burke was understandably delighted to see Anna win. He said: “Anna’s contribution at AluK has been immense but she never seeks recognition for her achievements, so to see her on the stage receiving the trophy in front of the whole industry was a very special moment.”
Along with the trophy, Anna received a voucher for a special celebratory lunch at the Savoy.